Credit and Employment Applications

Thank you for your interest in Triad Metals International. Click the appropriate link below to complete the form. All of the forms are capable of being edited with Adobe Acrobat Reader. Please fill in all applicable fields and save the file. In order to expedite the Credit Process, please email the file to In the event that you are unable to email the file, please fax it to 267-913-3599. All Information Provided Will Remain Confidential.


Thank you again for your interest in Triad Metals International. Click on the links below to download the necessary form.

Triad Metals Company Information

Click on the icon on the left to download the Triad Metals “Company Information” form.

Triad Metals Credit Application U.S.

Click on the icon on the left to download the Triad Metals “U.S. Credit Application” form.

Triad Metals Credit Application Canada

Click on the icon on the left to download the Triad Metals “Canadian Credit Application” form.

ACH Payment Authorization Form

Click on the icon on the left to download the Triad Metals “ACH Payment Authorization Form” form.

Triad Metals Employment Application

Click on the icon on the left to download the Triad Metals “Employment Application” form.

Triad Metals Product Reference Guide

Click on the icon on the left to download the Triad Metals “Product Reference Guide”.